Crate handlebars [] [src]


Handlebars is a modern and extensible templating solution originally created in the JavaScript world. It's used by many popular frameworks like Ember.js and Chaplin. It's also ported to some other platforms such as Java.

And this is handlebars Rust implementation, designed for server-side page generation. It's a general-purpose library so you use it for any kind of text generation.

Why (this) Handlebars?

Handlebars is a real-world templating system that you can use to build your application without pain.


Isolation of Rust and HTML

This library doesn't attempt to use some macro magic to allow you to write your template within your rust code. I admit that it's fun to do that but it doesn't fit real-world use case.

Limited but essential control structure built-in

Only essential control directive if and each were built-in. This prevents you to put too much application logic into your template.

Extensible helper system

You can write your own helper with Rust! It can be a block helper or inline helper. Put you logic into the helper and don't repeat yourself.

A helper can be as a simple as a Rust function like:

fn hex_helper (c: &Context, h: &Helper, _: &Handlebars, rc: &mut RenderContext) -> Result<(), RenderError> {
    let param = h.params().get(0).unwrap();
    let rendered = format!("{:x}", c.navigate(rc.get_path(), param).render());

/// register the helper
handlebars.register_helper("hex", Box::new(hex_helper));

Template inheritance

Every time I look into a templating system, I will investigate its support for template inheritance.

Template include is not enough. In most case you will need a skeleton of page as parent (header, footer, etc.), and embed you page into this parent.

You can find a real example for template inheritance in examples/, and templates used by this file.



Template Creation and Registration

Templates are created from String and registered to Handlebars with a name.

extern crate handlebars;

use handlebars::Handlebars;

fn main() {
  let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
  let source = "hello {{world}}";

  //compile returns an Option, we use unwrap() to deref it directly here
  handlebars.register_template_string("helloworld", source.to_string())

On registeration, the template is parsed and cached in the registry. So further usage will benifite from the one-time work. Also features like include, inheritance that involves template reference requires you to register those template first so the registry can find it.

If you template is small or just to expirement, you can use template_render APIs without registeration.

Rendering Something

I should say that rendering is a little tricky. Since handlebars is originally a JavaScript templating framework. It supports dynamic features like duck-typing, truthy/falsey values. But for a static language like Rust, this is a little difficult. As a solution, I'm using the serialize::json::Json internally for data rendering, which seems good by far.

That means, if you want to render something, you have to ensure that it implements the rustc_serialize::json::ToJson trait. Luckily, most built-in types already have trait. However, if you want to render your custom struct, you need to implement this trait manually, or use tojson_macros to generate default ToJson implementation.

You can use default render function to render a template into String. From 0.9, there's renderw to render text into anything of std::io::Write.

From 0.13, we also support serde types by a feature flag serde_type.

extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate handlebars;

use rustc_serialize::json::{Json, ToJson};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;

use handlebars::Handlebars;

struct Person {
  name: String,
  age: i16,

impl ToJson for Person {
  fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
    let mut m: BTreeMap<String, Json> = BTreeMap::new();
    m.insert("age".to_string(), self.age.to_json());

fn main() {
  let source = "Hello, {{name}}";

  let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
  handlebars.register_template_string("hello", source.to_string())

  let data = Person {
      name: "Ning Sun".to_string(),
      age: 27
  let result = handlebars.render("hello", &data);

Or if you don't need the template to be cached or referenced by other ones, you can simply render it without registering.

fn main() {
  let source = "Hello, {{name}}";

  let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();

  let data = Person {
      name: "Ning Sun".to_string(),
      age: 27
  let result = handlebars.template_render("Hello, {{name}}", &data);


As per the handlebars spec, output using {{expression}} is escaped by default (to be precise, the characters &"<> are replaced by their respective html / xml entities). However, since the use cases of a rust template engine are probably a bit more diverse than those of a JavaScript one, this implementation allows the user to supply a custom escape function to be used instead. For more information see the EscapeFn type and Handlebars::register_escape_fn() method.

Custom Helper

Handlebars is nothing without helpers. You can also create your own helpers with rust. Helpers in handlebars-rust are custom struct implements the HelperDef trait, concretely, the call function. For your convenience, most of stateless helpers can be implemented as bare functions.

extern crate handlebars;

use std::io::Write;
use handlebars::{Handlebars, HelperDef, RenderError, RenderContext, Helper, Context, JsonRender};

// implement by a structure impls HelperDef
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct SimpleHelper;

impl HelperDef for SimpleHelper {
  fn call(&self, c: &Context, h: &Helper, _: &Handlebars, rc: &mut RenderContext) -> Result<(), RenderError> {
    let param = h.params().get(0).unwrap();

    // get value from context data
    // rc.get_path() is current json parent path, you should always use it like this
    // param is the key of value you want to display
    let value = c.navigate(rc.get_path(), param);
    try!(rc.writer.write("Ny helper dumps: ".as_bytes()));

// implement via bare function
fn another_simple_helper (c: &Context, h: &Helper, _: &Handlebars, rc: &mut RenderContext) -> Result<(), RenderError> {
    let param = h.params().get(0).unwrap();

    // get value from context data
    // rc.get_path() is current json parent path, you should always use it like this
    // param is the key of value you want to display
    let value = c.navigate(rc.get_path(), param);
    try!(rc.writer.write("My second helper dumps: ".as_bytes()));

fn main() {
  let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
  handlebars.register_helper("simple-helper", Box::new(SimpleHelper));
  handlebars.register_helper("another-simple-helper", Box::new(another_simple_helper));
  // via closure
      Box::new(|c: &Context, h: &Helper, r: &Handlebars, rc: &mut RenderContext| -> Result<(), RenderError>{


Arguments of HelpDef

You can get data from the Helper argument about the template information:

You can learn more about helpers by looking into source code of built-in helpers.

Built-in Helpers



The context wrap data you render on your templates.


The single entry point of your Handlebars templates


The context of a render call




Template parsing error




Helper Definition


Type Definitions


This type represents an escape fn, that is a function who's purpose it is to escape potentially problematic characters in a string.